Insecure to Secure
Heavenly Father,
I come to you with a humble heart to say thank you. Thank you for believing that I was so special and taking the time to breathe life into me. Lord I know you made me perfectly in your image and I am forever grateful. Lord, I come to you today asking for strength. There are times in my life where I feel as though I don't fit in due to my appearance. I asked that you protect my mind and my heart from anything negative when it comes to my height, frame and weight. Continue to remind me that it is not about what is on the outside, but the inside that makes me the person you created. Continue to mold me into the amazing human being you have destined me to be. Allow me to grow and flourish in all aspects of life. Help me to focus less on what others say and think and more on you and my purpose.
In Jesus name,
What parts of yourself have you been afraid to show your loved ones- spiritually, emotionally, or physically?
In today's society, image is everything. It bothers us when others don't tell us we are beautiful. It discourages us to be compared to celebrities or other

“beautiful” people. What we tend to forget is everyone has flaws and no person is the same. I battled with my weight, which is a touchy subject for not only women, but men as well. Yes, petite women are insecure about our weight too. I'm still being told, “You need to eat more.” I have people ask me, “Do you wear children's clothes?” And some even assume I'm a child. I remember being challenged to fights, talked about and picked on for being so slim. This had me depressed many days and made be feel inadequate as a person.
What I failed to realize is that I was trying to reach a man-made standard of what a woman's body should look like. I lost sight of the fact that God created me perfectly flawed so he could help mold me into his perfect creation. When you are trying to reach a standard not made by God you will always feel like you're not good enough in the eyes of others.
I know that I am not perfect on the outside but I choose to love me anyways. What I challenge you to do when you are feeling insecure is to speak life into yourself. I have sticky notes at work and on my mirrors at home as reminders that I am beautiful, strong, courageous and wonderfully made. I read them daily so that when I come across a negative person, I have already spoken words of encouragement to myself so that their words no longer affect me. Take a look in the mirror and describe the things you like about yourself. This is a daily battle, but keep at it and don't get discouraged because no matter what you look like on the outside, you are beautiful.
"By focusing our heart's desire on Christ and letting the Holy Spirit transform us from the inside out, we are indeed becoming beautiful where it really counts"- Debra Evans