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Be Fearless

Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for all of your many blessings. Thank you for my strengths and weaknesses. I am who i am because You are my creator. Lord today I come to you on behalf of anyone who is struggling with fear. We know that in the bible you did not give us the spirit of fear. Help us to over come and conquer the very things that make us afraid.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen


Question: Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn't expect to be afraid? How did you handle it? did you shut down and quit? did you over come the fear?


Saturday I was getting the girls ready to head to church for dance practice like I have so many times before. This time was definitely different. As I am putting my youngest in her car seat I notice she is waving at someone. I turn and didn't see anyone so i continue to buckle her seat belt. She then begins to say "Come here squirrel". I didn't think too much of it because she has a vivid imagination. I'm just about finished with her seat belt and guess what comes up right beside my foot. Yep, a squirrel! When i tell you so many emotions ran through me at one time. Fear and confusion just to name a few. I did what any person would do. I started screaming to scare the squirrel away. Lets just say that didn't work. The squirrel stood up on two feet and looked at me. I can not make this up. At that moment I thought the squirrel was going to jump in the car with the girls. I saw this in my head going two ways. Either the girls were going to be stuck with the squirrel (Ryann must be a squirrel whisper) or I was going to have to grab that animal by it's tail and through it with everything in me. Side note: When did squirrels become so brave all of the sudden? Long story short I slammed the door and peeked in the car to make sure it wasn't in there. The girls were safe, however I was terrified.

I know you are probably wondering what does this have to do with being fearful. Honestly, there isn't many things that I am afraid of. Never thought I would be afraid of a squirrel that my daughter apparently named Rondo. Which I found out once I finally made it in the car. I say that to say this. Sometimes in life we are confronted with fearful situations that we never expected. It's all about how you handle it.

So I ask again. When you are confronted by fear how do you respond? When someone says you are not qualified for your dream job. Your loan wasn't approved for a new home. A relationship didn't work and your afraid of this so called dating scene. This business you are trying to create isn't getting the attention you expected or your confronted by an animal. These can all be fearful situations that you didn't necessarily plan for or expect to happen. We all have things in our life that make us feel this way. Remember fear is man made. God didn't create us this way. He created us to be powerful and loving. I have learned that in fearful situations it is all about how you handle it that makes either a great outcome or a terrible one. Either you can run away like the squirrel was about to make me do, or you can grab it by the tail look it in the eye and say you don't scare me! Yea, I didn't do that but i would have.

Being fearful is a natural human response. Change your mind set to where when you are in a situation that is fearful you remember who created you and what He instilled in you. A positive mind set is powerful and will help you overcome the very thing you feel is holding you back. I challenge you to confront at least one fear. If you get rejected, declined, ignored. Try again. Now I'm not saying go stand in a pit of spiders and see what happens. NO!!! However, apply for that job, start that new business, right a new blog. God equipped you so you are already covered.


2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us not the spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love.



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